Give Up on Giving Up

Self-doubt and breaking bubbles

Joanna Ngai
3 min readApr 12, 2021

Everyone has a bubble.

This is your comfort zone.

People in bubbles

It may be a ring of familiar desires, routine, habits and maybe an inner circle of people you feel particularly close to.

Bubbles feel nice.

They protect us from the scary unknown. Yet for all their good qualities, there is one big downside: their outer boundaries are based on fear.

Fear can be a practical signal like: ‘Your stove/house/pants are on fire’, but not all fear is valid. Over-reaction in response to imagined fears can limit you from reaching your full potential.

Person with layers. Onion person

Moving inside the bubble, people are kind of like onions.

Layers are built upon layers; childhood, upbringing, family, culture, education, past experiences melding together with time. These layers may protect or modify your core sense of self.

I like to imagine that within each of our bubbles sits a ‘comfort blob’. The comfort blob spews out comforting lies. It’s the weary and jaded voice that tells you that whatever you do “doesn’t matter”.

